Security News

South Korean banks threatened with DDoS attacks unless they pay $315,000 (Help Net Security)
2017-06-27 17:07

South Korean banks are being threatened with crippling DDoS attacks unless they pay $315,000 in bitcoin. The attackers threatening them identified themselves as the Armada Collective. According to...

Ukraine Central Bank Says Cyberattack Hits Lenders (Security Week)
2017-06-27 13:39

Ukraine's central bank on Tuesday said a cyberattack hit several lenders in the country, hindering operations and leading the regulator to warn other financial institutions to tighten security...

When it comes to trustworthy websites, banks drop the ball (Help Net Security)
2017-06-21 14:14

OTA’s ninth annual Online Trust Audit & Honor Roll analyzed more than 1,000 consumer-facing websites for their website and email security and privacy practices. The Audit revealed that 52 percent...

Philippine Bank Chaos as Money Goes Missing From Accounts (Security Week)
2017-06-07 10:53

A major Philippine bank shut down online transactions and cash machines on Wednesday after money went missing from accounts, triggering fears it had been hacked even as company officials said it...

Russian Company Pins European Bank Attacks on North Korea (InfoRiskToday)
2017-05-30 09:18

Group-IB's Findings Add to Growing Body of Circumstantial EvidenceRussian threat intelligence firm Group-IB alleges that North Korea is behind recent attacks against financial institutions in...

FDIC: Sun Security Bank, Ellington, Mo., Closes (InfoRiskToday)
2017-05-30 00:18

Sun Security Bank, Ellington, Mo., was closed by the Missouri Division of Finance, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receiver.