Security News

Over 2.8 million cheap Android smartphones come with preinstalled backdoor (Help Net Security)
2016-11-21 20:19

If you’re using a cheap Android smartphone manufactured or sold by BLU, Infinix, Doogee, Leagoo, IKU, Beeline or Xolo, you are likely wide open to Man-in-the-Middle attacks that can result in your...

PoisonTap Steals Cookies, Drops Backdoors on Password-Protected Computers (Threatpost)
2016-11-16 17:55

Samy Kamkar's latest hacking device, PoisonTap, can steal HTTP cookies from millions of websites and install persistent web-based backdoors.

Leftover Factory Debugger Doubles as Android Backdoor (Threatpost)
2016-10-14 13:00

A researcher has found a backdoor, which he calls Pork Explosion, in an Android bootloader built by Foxconn.

Xiaomi smartphones come equipped with backdoor (Help Net Security)
2016-09-19 21:22

When you buy a new mobile device with certain apps already pre-installed on, you’re effectively forced to trust that the device maker or reseller (depending on who pre-loaded the apps) is not up...