Security News
Digital expansion inevitably increases the external attack surface, making you susceptible to cyberthreats. Threat actors increasingly exploit the vulnerabilities stemming from software and...
Email-based attacks have evolved beyond traditional spam and phishing attempts. Email attacks can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and the compromise of sensitive information.
A campaign delivering the AsyncRAT malware to select targets has been active for at least the past 11 months, using hundreds of unique loader samples and more than 100 domains. Microsoft security researcher Igal Lytzki spotted the attacks delivered over hijacked email threads last summer but couldn't retrieve the final payload. In September, AT&T's Alien Labs team of researchers noticed "a spike in phishing emails, targeting specific individuals in certain companies" and started to investigate.
Some popular projects using implementations of Kyber are Mullvad VPN and Signal messenger. The KyberSlash flaws are timing-based attacks arising from how Kyber performs certain division operations in the decapsulation process, allowing attackers to analyze the execution time and derive secrets that could compromise the encryption.
Security researchers are detecting hundreds of IP addresses on a daily basis that scan or attempt to exploit Apache RocketMQ services vulnerable to a remote command execution flaw identified as CVE-2023-33246 and CVE-2023-37582. Apache released a fix that was incomplete for the NameServer component in RocketMQ and continued to affect versions 5.1 and older of the distributed messaging and streaming platform.
Russia's Sandworm crew appear to have been responsible for knocking out mobile and internet services to about 24 million users in Ukraine last month with an attack on telco giant Kyivstar. The telco did not immediately respond to The Register's inquiries, but a Kyivstar spokesperson said it was working with the SBU to investigate the attack, and added that "No facts of leakage of personal and subscriber data have been revealed."
The Russian hackers behind a December breach of Kyivstar, Ukraine's largest telecommunications service provider, have wiped almost all systems on the telecom operator's network. Following the incident, Kyivstar's CEO and the SSU suggested that Russian hackers may have been involved, given the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
Almost 11 million internet-exposed SSH servers are vulnerable to the Terrapin attack that threatens the integrity of some SSH connections. The Terrapin attack targets the SSH protocol, affecting both clients and servers, and was developed by academic researchers from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany.
Australia's Court Services Victoria is warning that video recordings of court hearings were exposed after suffering a reported Qilin ransomware attack. Supreme Court - hearings from the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, and Practice Court between December 1 and 21, and two regional hearings in November 2023.
Cybersecurity researchers are warning about an increase in phishing attacks that are capable of draining cryptocurrency wallets. "These threats are unique in their approach, targeting a wide range...