Security News
Investigators continue to focus on attack attribution, but Kaspersky researchers speaking at CanSecWest 2016 caution that attackers are manipulating data used to tie attacks to perpetrators.
The Helios Team at 360 SkyEye Labs recently revealed that a group named OnionDog has been infiltrating and stealing information from the energy, transportation and other infrastructure industries...
A five-year campaign focused on extracting sensitive information from Japanese oil, gas, and electric utilities through multiple backdoors was outlined by researchers on Wednesday.
Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook recap last week's Security Analyst Summit -- including lots of IoT and critical infrastructure talk, APTs like Metel and Poseidon, and more.
Today at the Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit, researchers disclosed details on the Poseidon APT group, a group of hackers who blackmail targets into a fake business relationship where they...
At the Security Analyst Summit, Kaspersky Lab researchers unveiled three cybercrime outfits—Metel, GCMAN, and Carbanak 2.0—targeting Russian banks with APT-style tactics.