Security News

Apple’s big security update – but some iPad Pro users say they’ve been “bricked” (Naked Security)
2016-05-17 17:25

Apple just pushed out a big tranche of updates, which should be good news, but some iPad Pro users are not happy at all!

Apple Patches DROWN, Lockscreen Bypass Vulnerability, With Latest Round of Updates (Threatpost)
2016-05-17 15:20

Apple on Monday rolled out a series of patches for nearly all of its operating systems, including fixes for March's DROWN vulnerability in OS X and a lockscreen bypass vulnerability in iOS.

Gunfight at the iOS corral as Apple releases 9.3.2 but bans jailbreak detector app (Naked Security)
2016-05-17 10:40

Apple said a jailbreak detector app wasn't reliable enough to be future proof, then released 9.3.2 on which it worked fine anyway.