Security News

Week in review: API security, keyloggers disguised as USB device chargers, online tracking (Help Net Security)
2016-05-30 12:00

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Faulty TLS implementation opens VISA sites, users to attack A group of researchers has discovered 184 HTTPS servers...

OWASP set to address API security risks (Help Net Security)
2016-05-23 19:03

OWASP has started a new project and is set to publish a new guide on security risks. The issue they aim to tackle this time is API security. The new OWASP API Security Project has been introduced...

Protecting Cloud APIs Critical to Mitigating Total Compromise (Threatpost)
2016-05-19 18:20

When it comes to cloud computing, APIs more or less drive everything, but in the eyes of some researchers, existing security controls haven't kept pace.