Security News

AI can increase corporate profitability by average of 38% by 2035 (Help Net Security)
2017-06-21 14:12

Businesses that successfully apply artificial intelligence (AI) could increase profitability by an average of 38 percent by 2035, according to Accenture. The introduction of AI could lead to an...

Perception and reality: The role of AI and automated cyber defenses (Help Net Security)
2017-06-16 13:30

Executives in the U.S. and Europe now place broad trust in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems, designed to protect organizations from more dynamic pernicious cyber threats,...

In 5 years AI may replace pros in tasks within medicine, law and IT (Help Net Security)
2017-05-10 13:00

CIOs have a major role to play in preparing businesses for the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on business strategy and human employment. Gartner predicts that by 2022, smart...