Security News > 2023 > July

Apple has warned that it would rather stop offering iMessage and FaceTime services in the U.K. than bowing down to government pressure in response to new proposals that seek to expand digital surveillance powers available to state intelligence agencies. Specifically, the Online Safety Bill requires companies to install technology to scan for child sex exploitation and abuse material and terrorism content in encrypted messaging apps and other services.

A stolen Microsoft security key may have allowed Beijing-backed spies to break into a lot more than just Outlook and Exchange Online email accounts. Microsoft still, to the best of our knowledge, does not know how this incredibly powerful private signing key was obtained, and has revoked that key.

Chromatophores are tiny color-changing cells in cephalopods. It's as if the squid has a little sky full of twinkling stars on its skin.

The Microsoft consumer signing key stolen by Storm-0558 Chinese hackers provided them with access far beyond the Exchange Online and accounts that Redmond said were compromised, according to Wiz security researchers. While Microsoft said that only Exchange Online and Outlook were impacted, Wiz says the threat actors could use the compromised Microsoft consumer signing key to impersonate any account within any impacted customer or cloud-based Microsoft application.

The Microsoft private encryption key stolen by Storm-0558 Chinese hackers provided them with access far beyond the Exchange Online and accounts that Redmond said were compromised, according to Wiz security researchers. While Microsoft said that only Exchange Online and Outlook were impacted, Wiz says the threat actors could use the compromised Azure AD private key to impersonate any account within any impacted customer or cloud-based Microsoft application.

On June 29, an employee accidentally uploaded a.csv file of customer info to VirusTotal itself, said Emiliano Martinez, tech lead of the Google-owned malware analysis site. For those who don't know: VirusTotal allows netizens to - among other things - upload files, or submit a URL to one, and the site runs the material through various malware-scanning engines to see if anything malicious is detected or identified.

This edition of the Week in Ransomware covers the last two weeks of news, as we could not cover it last week, and includes quite a bit of new information, including the return of the Avaddon ransomware gang. Last month, a new ransomware operation named NoEscape was launched that quickly began amassing a stream of new corporate victims.

The Europol report also reported on cybercriminals' use of cryptocurrencies and how their techniques are more sophisticated. The Europol report reported on cybercriminals' use of cryptocurrencies and how their techniques are more sophisticated.

The chart shows that extortion attacks with the lowest complexity and automation have the least impact on victims and cost to the attackers. On May 27th, the Clop ransomware gang began widespread data-theft attacks exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer secure file transfer platform.

There are ways to unlock your iPhone even without the right passcode, but you'll need a PC with iTunes or a Mac with Finder. Apple offers ways to access your iPhone without the passcode, but you'll have to put it into recovery mode.