Security News > 2020

What if everyone just said 'Nah' to tracking?
2020-01-08 11:00

You know the type: the profilers, the data harvesters, the location-stealers. Big data empire builders who maintain hundreds of millions of individual profiles - then leave them around for anyone to copy.

Cloudflare for Teams: Protecting corporations and employees, without sacrificing performance
2020-01-08 08:52

Cloudflare, the security, performance, and reliability company helping to build a better Internet, announced that it has launched Cloudflare for Teams, a set of solutions that will secure corporations and their employees globally, without sacrificing performance. Cloudflare for Teams is centered around two core products: Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Gateway.

ATT&CK for ICS: Knowledge base of techniques used by cyber adversaries
2020-01-08 08:31

MITRE released an ATT&CK knowledge base of the tactics and techniques that cyber adversaries use when attacking ICS that operate some of the nation's most critical infrastructures including energy transmission and distribution plants, oil refineries, wastewater treatment facilities, transportation systems, and more. Some aspects of the existing ATT&CK knowledge base for enterprise IT systems are applicable to ICS, and in many cases may represent an entry point into those ICS systems for adversaries.

Why the 2020 US presidential election is still vulnerable to foreign interference
2020-01-08 06:30

Not only are the US elections arguably some of the most influential on the global stage, but the infamous cyber attack on Clinton campaign manager John Podesta during the 2016 presidential elections was a watershed moment. The threat of foreign interference takes many forms, from the more subtle use of fake news and online trolls to confuse and frustrate the political discourse, to direct attacks on vulnerable voting infrastructure and to disrupt or breach political parties and individuals.

The Six Million Dollar Scam: London cops probe Travelex cyber-ransacking amid reports of £m ransomware demand, wide-open VPN server holes
2020-01-08 06:03

More than a week after its website and online services were taken offline by malware, foreign currency super-exchange Travelex continues to battle through what has become an increasingly damaging outage that may have unpatched VPN servers at its heart. While the capital's cops declined to name a specific victim, a spokesperson told us: "On Thursday, 2 January the Met's Cyber Crime Team were contacted with regards to a reported ransomware attack involving a foreign currency exchange. Enquiries into the circumstances are ongoing."

Smart cities are on the rise, what are the dangers?
2020-01-08 06:00

Frost and Sullivan has predicted that there will be at least 26 fully fledged major smart cities around the world by 2025. This should offer cause for concern to those in charge of smart cities as once a threat actor has infiltrated the IT environment, they could move laterally into an OT system if they are not properly segmented from each other.

Chinese Cyber-Espionage Group Targeted NGOs for Years
2020-01-08 05:33

Referred to as BRONZE PRESIDENT, the group may have been active since at least 2014, also targeting political and law enforcement organizations and using both proprietary and publicly available tools to monitor the activity of targeted organizations, discredit their work, or steal their intellectual property. BRONZE PRESIDENT targets NGOs that conduct research on issues relevant to China, the group's infrastructure is linked to entities in China, a subset of the group's operational infrastructure is linked to China-based Internet service providers, and the hackers leverage tools such as PlugX, which have historically been used by Chinese threat groups.

Trends that will shape the 2020 technology market
2020-01-08 05:00

Analysts have identified 35 trends that will shape the technology market and 19 others that, although attracting huge amounts of speculation and commentary, look less likely to move the needle over the next twelve months. "After a tumultuous 2019 that was beset by many challenges, both integral to technology markets and derived from global market dynamics, 2020 looks set to be equally challenging," says Stuart Carlaw, Chief Research Officer at ABI Research.

Are you ready for the end of Windows 7 support?
2020-01-08 04:30

Cynet 360 autonomous breach protection is a good example of a multilayered advanced protection solution that can enables organizations who run Windows 7 to remain secure despite the end of support. "The reality is that Windows 7 is alive and kicking in many organizations even if Microsoft chooses not to protect them anymore. It should be a wake-up call to any CISO to ask himself or herself how to adjust to this new reality".

Tapplock introduces new enterprise fingerprint scanning padlock accessories
2020-01-08 04:15

Tapplock, creator of the world's first smart fingerprint padlock, is introducing new accessories for its enterprise platform. The Tapplock box 2.0 connects through Bluetooth and is used for fingerprint enrollment for its Tapplock enterprise software.