Security News > 2018 > August

High-schoolers’ data put up for sale after being scraped from surveys
2018-08-01 13:04

Millions of students' data is being sold after being harvested from college-planning questionnaires or surveys that come with the SAT or PSAT tests.

ThreatConnect expands its threat intelligence analysis workbench
2018-08-01 12:57

To continue to help organizations streamline threat intelligence, operations, and incident response, ThreatConnect announces improved functionality and features to ease security operations process...

FireEye brings machine learning to endpoint security with MalwareGuard
2018-08-01 12:55

FireEye announced the addition of MalwareGuard to its Endpoint Security solution. MalwareGuard is designed to help detect and block cyber-threats including threats to provide customers a level of...

SentinelOne partners with Lookout to extend endpoint protection to mobile devices
2018-08-01 12:36

SentinelOne has partnered with Lookout to integrate mobile threat data into the SentinelOne console to protect mobile endpoints from attacks. Attackers are redirecting ransomware and malware...

The 24×7 Fidelis MDR service team now bolsters internal security teams
2018-08-01 12:34

Rates of cybercrime and nation-state espionage are increasing while the cybersecurity skills gap continues to grow. To better support security teams and operations in this environment, Fidelis...

FireEye MalwareGuard Uses Machine Learning to Detect Malware
2018-08-01 11:31

FireEye on Tuesday announced the launch of MalwareGuard, an engine that leverages machine learning (ML) to detect malware and prevent it from executing. MalwareGuard has been added to FireEye’s...

Backdoors in Cisco Routers
2018-08-01 11:22

We don't know if this is error or deliberate action, but five backdoors have been discovered already this year....

Trump Criticized for Not Leading Effort to Secure Elections
2018-08-01 11:22

WASHINGTON (AP) — As alarms blare about Russian interference in U.S. elections, the Trump administration is facing criticism that it has no clear national strategy to protect the country during...

Mozilla still working on Firefox’s site isolation security revamp
2018-08-01 11:18

Mozilla’s Firefox browser doesn’t have site isolation security yet, but plans to enable it are in the works.

Yale University Discloses Decade-Old Data Breach
2018-08-01 10:43

"Because the intrusion happened nearly ten years ago, we do not have much more information about how it occurred." read more