Security News > 2018 > April

Deception technology has been gaining traction as a way for organizations to get a view on how attackers are targeting their assets. Rik Turner, principal analyst at the consultancy Ovum, says he...

At Least Eight U.S. Organizations Hit So Far This YearThe Department of Health and Human Services is warning the healthcare sector about ongoing attacks involving SamSam ransomware that have...

Microsoft patched a bug that allowed attackers to steal a target’s Windows account password via previewed Outlook message.

Political actors and privacy activists are calling for more regulations on data privacy after Facebook's data security scandal.

AMD has released new microcode updates for mitigating variant 2 of the Spectre attack and Microsoft has released an OS update with the mitigation to AMD users running Windows 10. As you might...

More than 65,000 routers exposed to the Internet via the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol are being abused by cybercriminals as part of a large, multi-purpose proxy botnet, Akamai has...

Thinking about getting into the cybersecurity field? Take these lessons from an experienced IT pro so you don't have to learn them the hard way

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg testified for nearly 10 hours over two days on Facebook's privacy and data protection issues before committees of the Senate and House on Tuesday and Wednesday. Here...

Once you have CentOS 7 up and running, you'll want to lock down that server with two-factor authentication. Every administrator should consider enabling this additional layer of security.

A series of geopolitically motivated attacks ongoing since early 2017 and targeting high profile organizations worldwide appear to be a symptom of escalating tensions in the Middle East region,...