Security News > 2018 > April

Russia’s Grizzly Steppe gunning for vulnerable routers
2018-04-18 12:42

Russian Government hackers stand accused of targeting millions of routers

Microsoft Takes Security to the Edge
2018-04-18 12:34

Microsoft Unveils New Services and Features to Secure Internet of Things (IoT) Devices read more

DHS Secretary: US Won't Tolerate Cyber Meddling
2018-04-18 12:33

Department of Homeland Security Soon Will Unveil New Cybersecurity StrategyDepartment of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen warns that the U.S. will more aggressively move to punish...

Security Pros at Energy Firms Concerned About 'Catastrophic' Attacks
2018-04-18 12:32

Many cybersecurity professionals working in the energy sector are concerned that an attack on their organization’s industrial control systems (ICS) could have “catastrophic” consequences,...

Cybersecurity Tech Accord sets new privacy standards for tech companies
2018-04-18 12:25

The new paper, signed by 34 tech companies, is akin to a 'digital Geneva Convention' to govern the rules of engagement in technology.

Top tech firms pledge not to help governments launch cyberattacks
2018-04-18 12:03

34 global technology and security companies have pledged not to aid governments launch cyberattacks and to protect all customers regardless of nationality, geography or attack motivation. The...

Facebook: 3 reasons we’re tracking non-users
2018-04-18 11:31

It's just how the internet works, Facebook said.

Oblivious DNS
2018-04-18 11:29

Interesting idea: ...we present Oblivious DNS (ODNS), which is a new design of the DNS ecosystem that allows current DNS servers to remain unchanged and increases privacy for data in motion and at...

Cloud Security Alert – Log Files Are Not the Answer
2018-04-18 10:52

Once production applications and workloads have been moved to the cloud, re-evaluating the company’s security posture and adjusting the processes used to secure data and applications from...

Simple steps to keep your remote workforce secure
2018-04-18 10:48

SiteLock's Neill Feather explains how IT teams can train remote employees to be cyber-secure in a workplace that's becoming more browser-based.