Security News > 2017 > November

7 tips to reduce risks of data breaches
2017-11-02 13:30

A recent study conducted by Forrester Consulting found that two-thirds of organizations have been breached five times in the past two years. It’s clear that traditional approaches are not working,...

Managing Third-Party Risks to Prevent Breaches
2017-11-02 13:03

To help prevent breaches caused by third parties, organizations need to improve their vendor risk evaluation methods, carefully assessing their business partners' processes and risk mitigation...

Police: DDoS Provider Targeted Google, Pokemon, Skype
2017-11-02 13:03

British Man Charged With DDoS Disruptions, Selling Malware and 'Crypters'A 21-year-old man appeared in British court this week to face 11 charges, including using DDoS attacks to disrupt sites run...

A closer look at hybrid cloud security challenges
2017-11-02 13:00

Most enterprises face major challenges when managing security across their hybrid enterprise networks both during and after cloud migrations, according to AlgoSec. The international survey of 450...

Ransomware victims are paying the ransom in record numbers
2017-11-02 13:00

Intermedia examined the critical security behavioral habits of more than 1,000 office workers. Ransomware attacks continue to grow exponentially The threat of ransomware, when hackers infect...

Malaysia Stung by Massive Data Breach Affecting Millions
2017-11-02 11:03

Mobile Phone Records Appear on Dark Web, Both for Sale and for FreeMalaysia is grappling with a sweeping data breach that exposed 46 million mobile phone records, jobseeker profiles and data from...

The Sometimes Forgotten Foundation for the OODA Loop - the Human
2017-11-02 10:57

Applying the OODA Loop to Cybersecurity Will Help Accelerate the Process of Translating Threat Data Into Action read more

The Sometimes Forgotten Foundation for the OODA Loop – the Human
2017-11-02 10:57

The security industry borrows a lot of concepts from the military and applies them to cyber defense. For example, Sun Tzu’s teachings in The Art of War or the application of ‘situational...

Automated System Defeats reCAPTCHA With High Accuracy
2017-11-02 10:45

A newly devised system that targets the audio version of Google’s reCAPTCHA challenges can break them with very high accuracy. Dubbed unCAPTCHA, the automated system designed by computer science...

Smartphone Exploits Earn Hackers Over $500,000
2017-11-02 10:10

White hat hackers earned more than half a million dollars at this year’s Mobile Pwn2Own competition after successfully demonstrating exploits against Samsung’s Galaxy S8, Apple’s iPhone 7 and...