Security News > 2004

U.S. security critic sues Japan for censorship
2004-11-23 11:23,10801,97758,00.html By Paul Kallender NOVEMBER 22, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE TOKYO - A U.S. computer security expert is suing the Japanese...

New security standards to strengthen SCADA
2004-11-22 12:14,10801,97606,00.html By Mark Willoughby NOVEMBER 18, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The security of critical-infrastructure processes, long...

Eight best practices for disaster recovery
2004-11-19 11:02,10801,97620,00.html Advice by CIO NOVEMBER 18, 2004 Given the number of blackouts, hurricanes and other disasters...

China boosting cyberwar ability
2004-11-18 11:21

Forwarded from: William Knowles AP TAIPEI Nov 17, 2004 China is developing the means to electronically blockade rival Taiwan...

Critical W2K bug unpatched after 105 days
2004-11-17 08:45 By Sam Varghese November 16, 2004 A critical flaw in Windows 2000, discovered by eEye...

Intercept Threats of Cisco IP Phones
2004-11-16 13:35 Thanks to A. 14 November 2004 In the SIP images of Cisco 7960/7940 (and perhaps 7970/7980) phones, there is a "telnet" option which can be enabled. In the...

BlackBerry prickles Department of Defence spooks
2004-11-16 13:34 By Rob O'Neill November 16, 2004 Next Department of Defence communications spooks are restricting the use of wireless BlackBerry...

My summer of war driving
2004-11-11 09:40,10801,97352,00.html Opinion by Demetrios Lazarikos NOVEMBER 10, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD For most people, summer is about taking a vacation with...

Microsoft to help users prep for patching
2004-11-05 08:19,10801,97221,00.html By Scarlet Pruitt NOVEMBER 04, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. will give customers advance notice of its...

FBI Pursuing More Cyber-Crime Cases
2004-11-05 08:16

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Brian Krebs Staff Writer November 4, 2004 A former technology company...