Security News > 2003 > June

County board can't hack an unsafe network
2003-06-11 06:28 By SCOTT PESZNECKER June 10, 2003 Despite the state budget crisis that's also hitting counties, Calaveras County supervisors on Monday...

US warns banks worldwide about BugBear virus
2003-06-10 05:22

Forwarded from: William Knowles Washington June 10 2003 The US government is warning financial institutions about a virus-like...

Cryptography at the core of sound IT security
2003-06-10 05:22,10801,81955,00.html By Chris Conrath JUNE 09, 2003 TORONTO - Whitfield Diffie, chief security officer at Sun...

IT Managers See Need for Risk Metrics
2003-06-10 05:09,10801,81897,00.html By JAIKUMAR VIJAYAN JUNE 09, 2003 Computerworld WASHINGTON -- Technology managers trying to justify and prioritize...

Deputy CIO at Homeland Security Department placed on leave
2003-06-09 06:56,10801,81879,00.html By LINDA ROSENCRANCE JUNE 06, 2003 Computerworld Laura Callahan, the deputy CIO of the U.S. Department of Homeland...

Report: Most Broadband Users Lack Basic Security
2003-06-06 06:05 By Matt Villano June 4, 2003 Is your computer as safe from hackers and viruses as it could be? Even if you think it is, you might be wrong....

Microsoft to introduce security certifications
2003-06-04 07:37,10801,81715,00.html [From The Unknown Security Person... don't people who certify .. need to be experts themselves?] By CAROL SLIWA...

Defense Department Issues Open Source Policy
2003-06-04 07:36 By Thor Olavsrud June 3, 2003 The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) last week distributed a memo putting open source software on a level...

RE: This computer security column is banned in Canada
2003-06-03 06:19

Forwarded from: Rob Rosenberger Cc: Steve Manzuik >>Lets take your lunacy a step further. >> >>This is stupid and is security through obscurity. Steve, you should focus your "stupid/lunacy"...

Linux Advisory Watch - May 30th 2003
2003-06-02 08:08

+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Linux Advisory Watch | | May 30th, 2003 Volume 4, Number 21a |...