Security News

Microsoft March 2021 Patch Tuesday fixes 82 flaws, 2 zero-days
2021-03-09 18:30

Today is Microsoft's March 2021 Patch Tuesday, and with admins already struggling with Microsoft Exchange updates and hacked servers, please be nice to your IT staff today. With today's update, Microsoft has fixed 82 vulnerabilities, with 10 classified as Critical and 72 as Important.

Another Chrome zero-day exploit – so get that update done!
2021-03-04 19:41

We've never quite understood Google's mention of rolling out updates over "Days/weeks" in an update bulletin that includes 47 security fixes, of which eight have a severity level of High. We suggest going out manually and making sure you've got your Chrome update already, without waiting for those day/weeks to elapse until the update finds you.

Four Microsoft Exchange Zero-Days Exploited by China
2021-03-04 19:03

Microsoft has issued an emergency Microsoft Exchange patch to fix four zero-day vulnerabilities currently being exploited by China. EDITED TO ADD (3/12): Exchange Online is not affected.

Multiple Cyberspy Groups Target Microsoft Exchange Servers via Zero-Day Flaws
2021-03-04 12:50

Security researchers warn that multiple cyber-espionage groups are targeting the recently addressed zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server and say that more than 300 web shells have been identified on the compromised servers. Managed detection and response solutions provider Huntress says it has already observed more than 200 compromised Exchange Servers that received payloads within the "C:inetpubwwwrootaspnet clientsystem web" directory, and claims to have identified more than 350 web shells to date.

Microsoft Exchange Zero-Day Attackers Spy on U.S. Targets
2021-03-03 15:30

Microsoft has spotted multiple zero-day exploits in the wild being used to attack on-premises versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. An exploit allows remote attackers with administrator permissions to run code as SYSTEM on the Exchange server.

Exchange Servers targeted via zero-day exploits, have yours been hit?
2021-03-03 13:05

Our team has been tirelessly working several intrusions since January involving multiple 0-day exploits in Microsoft Exchange. If you use on-prem Microsoft Exchange Servers, you might want to assume you've been hit and start checking and then updating.

Microsoft fixes four zero-day flaws in Exchange Server exploited by China's ‘Hafnium’ spies to steal victims' data
2021-03-03 00:10

Microsoft says Beijing-backed hackers are exploiting four zero-day vulnerabilities in Exchange Server to steal data from US-based defense contractors, law firms, and infectious disease researchers. Gain access to an Exchange Server either using stolen passwords or by using zero-day vulnerabilities, and disguise themselves as a legitimate user.

Microsoft: Multiple Exchange Server Zero-Days Under Attack by Chinese Hacking Group
2021-03-02 23:09

Microsoft late Tuesday raised the alarm after discovering Chinese cyber-espionage operators chaining multiple zero-day exploits to siphon e-mail data from corporate Microsoft Exchange servers. In all, Microsoft said the attacker chained four zero-days into a malware cocktail targeting its Exchange Server product.

Microsoft fixes actively exploited Exchange zero-day bugs, patch now
2021-03-02 22:18

Microsoft has released emergency out-of-band security updates for all supported Microsoft Exchange versions that fix four zero-day vulnerabilities actively exploited in targeted attacks. These four zero-day vulnerabilities are chained together to gain access to Microsoft Exchange servers, steal email, and plant further malware for increased access to the network.

Google fixes second actively exploited Chrome zero-day bug this year
2021-03-02 21:47

Google has fixed an actively exploited zero-day vulnerability in the Chrome 89.0.4389.72 version released today, March 2nd, 2021, to the Stable desktop channel for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. "Google is aware of reports that an exploit for CVE-2021-21166 exists in the wild," the Google Chrome 89.0.4389.72 announcement reads.