Security News

Purple Fox malware worms its way into exposed Windows systems
2021-03-23 20:54

Purple Fox, a malware previously distributed via exploit kits and phishing emails, has now added a worm module that allows it to scan for and infect Windows systems reachable over the Internet in ongoing attacks. Purple Fox's exploit kit module has also targeted Windows systems in the past [1, 2] to infect Windows users through their web browsers after exploiting memory corruption and elevation of privilege vulnerabilities.

Purple Fox Malware Squirms Like a Worm on Windows
2021-03-23 20:37

Malware hunters at Guardicore are warning that an aggressive botnet operator has turned to SMB password brute-forcing to infect and spread like a worm across the Microsoft Windows ecosystem. The malware campaign, dubbed Purple Fox, has been active since at least 2018 and the discovery of the new worm-like infection vector is yet another sign that consumer-grade malware continues to reap profits for cybercriminals.

Ryuk Ransomware With Worm-Like Capabilities Spotted in the Wild
2021-03-02 04:40

In early 2021, security researchers identified a variant of the infamous Ryuk ransomware that is capable of lateral movement within the infected networks. Active since at least 2018 and believed to be operated by Russian cyber-criminals, the Ryuk ransomware has been involved in numerous high-profile attacks and researchers estimate the enterprise is worth $150 million.

New Pro-Ocean malware worms through Apache, Oracle, Redis servers
2021-01-29 19:06

The financially-motivated Rocke hackers are using a new piece of cryptojacking malware called Pro-Ocean to target vulnerable instances of Apache ActiveMQ, Oracle WebLogic, and Redis. The new malware is a step up from the previous threat used by the group in that it comes with self-spreading capabilities, blindly throwing exploits at discovered machines.

Rocke Group’s Malware Now Has Worm Capabilities
2021-01-28 20:06

Researchers have identified an updated malware variant used by the cybercrime gang Rocke Group that targets cloud infrastructures with crypto-jacking attacks. The malware is called Pro-Ocean, which was first discovered in 2019, and has now been beefed-up with "Worm" capabilities and rootkit detection-evasion features.

Laptops given to British schools came preloaded with remote-access worm
2021-01-21 17:32

A shipment of laptops supplied to British schools by the Department for Education to help kids learn under lockdown came preloaded with malware, The Register can reveal. The affected laptops, distributed to schools under the UK government's Get Help With Technology scheme, which started last year, came bundled with Gamarue - an old remote-access worm from the 2010s.

New worm turns Windows, Linux servers into Monero miners
2020-12-30 09:40

A newly discovered and self-spreading Golang-based malware has been actively dropping XMRig cryptocurrency miners on Windows and Linux servers since early December. The C2 server is used to host the bash or PowerShell dropper script, a Golang-based binary worm, and the XMRig miner deployed to surreptitiously mine for untraceable Monero cryptocurrency on infected devices.

Gitpaste-12 worm botnet returns with 30+ vulnerability exploits
2020-12-19 13:01

Recently discovered Gitpaste-12 worm that spreads via GitHub and also hosts malicious payload on Pastebin, has returned with even more exploits. This time, the advanced worm and botnet has returned with over 30 vulnerability exploits.

Gitpaste-12 Worm Widens Set of Exploits in New Attacks
2020-12-15 21:29

The Gitpaste-12 worm has returned in new attacks targeting web applications, IP cameras and routers, this time with an expanded set of exploits for initially compromising devices. First discovered in a round of late-October attacks that targeted Linux-based servers and internet-of-things devices, the botnet utilizes GitHub and Pastebin for housing malicious component code, has at least 12 different attack modules and includes a cryptominer that targets the Monero cryptocurrency.

Gitpaste-12 Worm Targets Linux Servers, IoT Devices
2020-11-06 17:34

Researchers have uncovered a new worm targeting Linux based x86 servers, as well as Linux internet of things devices. Of note, the malware utilizes GitHub and Pastebin for housing malicious component code, and has at least 12 different attack modules available - leading researchers to call it "Gitpaste-12." It was first detected by Juniper Threat Labs in attacks on Oct. 15, 2020.