Security News

Nothing to fear from going wireless
2007-12-31 08:03 December 29, 2007 KUALA LUMPUR: Enterprises planning to deploy wireless networks need not be...

ISO rejects China's WAPI wireless security protocol
2006-03-14 08:12,10801,109519,00.html By Stephen Lawson MARCH 13, 2006 IDG NEWS SERVICE The International Standards Organization (ISO) last week...

Verizon Wireless Fixes Web Site Vulnerabilities
2005-08-12 05:09 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer August 11, 2005 Verizon Wireless said today that computer...

Wireless Web puts personal data at risk
2005-06-22 06:43

Forwarded from: Mark Bernard Dear Associates, If you don't believe that this article speaks about something that could actually happen then why not attempt it in a controlled situation? If you...

Companies risk security by not introducing wireless
2004-10-13 08:53,10801,96597,00.html By Laura Berrill OCTOBER 12, 2004 TECHWORLD.COM Enterprise IT managers are interested, but reluctant, to introduce...

Wireless Hackers Leave No Tracks
2004-06-08 06:55,10801,93625,00.html Security Manager's Journal by Vince Tuesday JUNE 07, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD I'm a parasite. I didn't pay for the...

Expert releases Cisco wireless hacking tool
2004-04-09 08:08,10801,92049,00.html News Story by Paul Roberts APRIL 08, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE One day after it disclosed a security vulnerability in a...

Commuters hack wireless networks
2003-03-27 09:43

Forwarded from: William Knowles 26 March, 2003 Jumping on to the increasing number of wireless networks around cities such as London has become...

Secret Service patrolling for unsecured wireless networks
2002-09-30 06:19

Forwarded from: William Knowles By D. IAN HOPPER, AP Technology Writer WASHINGTON (September 29, 2002 1:56 p.m. EDT) - Secret...

Wireless hackers take to the air
2002-08-20 12:39 Monday, 19 August, 2002 Australian hackers have taken the practice of looking for open wireless networks to new heights. Before now many curious...