Security News

Researchers Exploit Patched Windows Group Policy Bug (Threatpost)
2015-05-26 17:25

Researchers from Core Security were able to exploit a security vulnerability in Windows' group policy -- MS15-011 -- that was patched by Microsoft in February.

Windows Live ID scam targets personal information (Help Net Security)
2015-05-22 07:00

Kaspersky Lab experts are warning of a new scam that uses Windows Live ID as bait to catch personal information stored in user profiles on services like Xbox LIVE, Zune, Hotmail, Outlook, MSN, Messeng...

New Crypto Suites Bring Perfect Forward Secrecy to Windows (Threatpost)
2015-05-13 16:14

Microsoft updates its cryptographic cipher suite prioritization in Windows with the addition of four suites that bring Perfect Forward Secrecy to the operating system.