Security News

Cybercriminals upped the intensity of IoT and SMB-related attacks in the first half of 2019, according to a new F-Secure report. The report underscores the threats IoT devices face if not properly...

Researchers Say Mirai Derivatives and EternalBlue Exploits Pummel Internet-Connected DevicesTwo years after WannaCry wrecked havoc via flaws in SMB_v1 and three years after Mirai infected internet...

September's Patch Tuesday Addresses Elevation of Privileges FlawsAs part of its September Patch Tuesday security update, Microsoft issued software fixes for two vulnerabilities in several versions...

Microsoft joins Adobe and SAP in cleaning up security bugs, two of which are under active attack Patch Tuesday Microsoft, Adobe, and SAP today delivered a load of security updates for this month's...

Get your update caps on. Microsoft today released its monthly Patch Tuesday update for September 2019, patching a total of 79 security vulnerabilities in its software, of which 17 are rated...

Cyberespionage attackers have ditched their PowerShell backdoor in favor of the Windows BITS ‘notification’ feature.

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new computer virus associated with the Stealth Falcon state-sponsored cyber espionage group that abuses a built-in component of the Microsoft Windows...

Learn how to add, remove, and otherwise manage your Windows 10 devices at your Microsoft Account site.

A sophisticated and sustained watering hole attack affecting iPhones may have targeted Windows and Android too.

And that's why we flirted with your nemesis Symantec, Brit retailer claims Brit retailer Dixons has lashed back at McAfee's £30m High Court broadside, saying it was entitled to promote rival...