Security News

The story concluded that this dubious service had been scamming people and companies for more than a decade, and promised a Part II to explore who was behind Web Listings. Since at least 2007, Web Listings Inc. has been sending snail mail letters to domain registrants around the world.

Malicious COVID-19 domains and special virus-themed sales on the dark web are two ways criminals are using the outbreak to ramp up business, said security provider Check Point. Two ways that bad actors are taking advantage of the crisis is through coronavirus domain names and sales on the dark web, as described in a blog post published Thursday by Check Point Security.

Can you tell me what is Cymatic's approach to web security and what differentiates you in the marketplace? We built a web application defense platform that's able to identify, basically calculate risk, and also really understand users from inside of the web application.

Threat intelligence provider Sixgill has announced a new product that allows organizations to integrate a real-time, actionable dark web data feed into any security platform. The newly introduced Darkfeed contains a list of malicious indicators of compromise such as domains, file hashes, and IP addresses that have been extracted from the dark web.

Shadowserver provides free daily live feeds of information about systems that are either infected with bot malware or are in danger of being infected to more than 4,600 ISPs and to 107 national computer emergency response teams in 136 countries. Last week, Shadowserver was instrumental in helping Microsoft kneecap the Necurs malware network, one of the world's largest spam and malware botnets.

A UK inquiry into child sexual abuse facilitated by the internet has recommended that the government require apps to pre-screen images before publishing them, in order to tackle "An explosion" in images of child sex abuse. The imagery isn't only "Depraved"; it's also easy to get to, the inquiry said, referring to research from the National Crime Agency that found that you can find child exploitation images within three clicks when using mainstream search engines.

As the world tackles the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, ransomware creeps have knocked offline a public health agency's website that served nearly a quarter of a million people in the US. The Champaign Urbana Public Health District in Illinois, covering 210,000 folks, including the state's biggest university, said today it has had to set up an alternate website as it deals with a ransomware infection that took down its primary site. A spokesperson for the district also confirmed an earlier report from Mother Jones that the outage, which began Tuesday morning, was caused by a ransomware infection rather than a crush of traffic.

While such Web site card skimming attacks are not new, this intrusion leveraged a sneaky new domain that hides quite easily in a hacked site's source code: "Http[.]ps". This crafty domain was hidden inside the checkout and login pages for, a meat delivery service owned by Cheney Bros. Ps domain is hosted in Russia, and sits on a server with one other malicious domain - autocapital[.

It sounds almost impossible to stop, but not according to the makers of the Brave browser, which is using its latest developer build to test a new defence against fingerprinting: confusing fingerprinting collection algorithms by randomising some of the data they collect. Although fingerprinting has a lot of possible APIs and network IDs to utilise, Brave's concept is that it is only necessary to disrupt a few to confuse surveillance.

Out of the blue over Skype, someone I hadn't communicated with in nearly a year reaches out. The worst part isn't my reply of, "Goodness I'm afraid I cannot help," with the horrible feeling of guilt that accompanies my reply - a feeling the scammer relies upon, necessary for their hacking of the social bond.