Security News

Oracle hedging its vulnerability reports?
2011-04-28 07:32 By Joab Jackson IDG News Service April 27, 2011 Oracle may be subtly misleading customers about the...

VeriSign refutes security vulnerability claim
2010-06-24 05:30 By Aharon Etengoff TG Daily 22nd Jun 2010 VeriSign has denied claims of an alleged security...

Vulnerability auction launches online
2007-07-09 08:33

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon The one big unanswered question: : Vulnerability auction launches online : Published: 2007-07-06 : : : : A group...

Five mistakes of vulnerability management
2006-01-12 09:26,10801,107647,00.html Opinion by Anton Chuvakin JANUARY 11, 2006 COMPUTERWORLD Vulnerability management is viewed by some as an esoteric...

Addressing the Human Security Vulnerability
2005-10-18 06:33,10801,105395,00.html Opinion by Douglas Schweitzer OCTOBER 17, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD So, you have the best firewall, intrusion-detection...

Microsoft releases patch to plug IE vulnerability
2004-12-02 06:49,10801,97957,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 01, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD As expected, Microsoft Corp. today released an out-of-cycle...

Open Source Vulnerability Database Opens Vendor Dictionary
2004-09-01 17:22

Forwarded from: Jake Open Source Vulnerability Database Opens Vendor Dictionary The Open Source Vulnerability Database, a project to catalog and describe the world's security vulnerabilities, has...

Microsoft to make Longhorn vulnerability-aware
2004-02-27 08:08,10801,90516,00.html By Joris Evers FEBRUARY 26, 2004 Microsoft Corp. is working on security technologies for the upcoming Longhorn...

Microsoft warns of firewall vulnerability
2003-03-22 08:53,10801,79537,00.html By Paul Roberts IDG News Service MARCH 20, 2003 Microsoft Corp. warned customers of another security vulnerability...

Free benchmark could have found Slammer vulnerability
2003-02-03 06:22,10801,78063,00.html By DAN VERTON JANUARY 31, 2003 Not only could companies have easily slammed the door on the Slammer worm if...