Security News
Core Security disclosed information on command-injection vulnerabilities found in a number of AirLive IP-enabled cameras after repeated attempts to disclose to the manufacturer were ignored.
Amazon patched three vulnerabilities in its Fire Phone, two of which allow for silent certificate installations.
When Cisco released a patch for several of its security appliances Thursday that eliminated the presence of hard-coded SSH host and private keys, the advisory had a distinct air of familiarity...
Web and mobile applications produced or used by government organizations are more likely than those in other industries to fail standard security policies like the OWASP Top 10 when initially assessed...
A trio of vulnerabilities were recently patched in eBay’s Magento e-commerce web application that could have let attackers carry out a handful of exploits.
A group of researchers claim that they found a handful of vulnerabilities in both Apple’s OS X and iOS, and cracked the Keychain service that the company uses for apps and sandboxes on OS X.