Security News

A list posted by US-CERT this week rattles off the 10 most oft-targeted security vulnerabilities during the past three years, and finds that, shock horror, for the most part, keeping up with patching will keep you safe. Microsoft ranks highly in the list because its software is widely used, and provides the most potential targets for hackers, though on the other hand, fixes have been available for these bugs for a long while: it doesn't have to be this way, people.

Medtronic's latest problem is in their Valleylab electrosurgical generators used by surgeons things like cauterisation during operations.

Multiple providers leaving storage cookies up for grabs The US-Cert is raising alarms following the disclosure of a serious vulnerability in multiple VPN services.…

Hidden Cobra, Also Known as Lazarus, Appears to Be Behind the MalwareU.S. CERT has issued a fresh warning about a newly discovered Trojan called Hoplight that is connected to a notorious APT group...

'Typeframe' springs from the same den as 'Hidden Cobra' The United States Department of Homeland Security's Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT) has warned against another malware campaign...

Attorney and former CIA case officer Jack Rice explains how foreign actors could attack critical infrastructure, and how US intelligence agencies deploy a proportional response to cyber attacks.

Entropy Alert: Non-Random ASLR Leaves Systems Open To Buffer Overflow AttacksRecent versions of Windows have a security problem: They're not random enough, US-CERT warns. The problem centers on...

US-CERT is warning of a vulnerability in Microsoft’s implementation of Address Space Layout Randomization that affects Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Malware Takes Aim at Financial Services, Aerospace and Telecommunications IndustriesSince last year, North Korean hackers have been targeting businesses in the financial services, aerospace and...