Security News

US Senate: Govt’s ransomware fight hindered by limited reporting
2022-05-24 17:34

A report published today by U.S. Senator Gary Peters, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, says law enforcement and regulatory agencies lack insight into ransomware attacks to fight against them effectively. While ransomware incidents have been increasingly hitting organizations across the country, there's still room to improve reporting of both attacks and ransom payments which would provide the federal government with the data and information it needs to deter this severe threat to national security, Senator Peters added.

South Korean and US presidents gang up on North Korea's cyber-offensives
2022-05-23 05:25

US president Biden and South Korea's new president Yoon Suk Yeol have pledged further co-operation in many technologies, including joint efforts to combat North Korea. North Korea stands accused of running many offensive operations online.

US Government says: Patch VMware right now, or get off our network
2022-05-20 18:03

Virtualisation in general, and VMWare's product set in particular, is widely used to turn individual physical computers into several "Virtual computers" that share the same physical hardware. These virtual computers, known in the jargon as VMs, realistically pretend to be independent computers in their own right, each one booting and running an operating system of its own, as a physical computer would.

US won’t prosecute ‘good faith’ security researchers under CFAA
2022-05-20 00:07

The US Justice Department has directed prosecutors not to charge "Good-faith security researchers" with violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if their reasons for hacking are ethical - things like bug hunting, responsible vulnerability disclosure, or above-board penetration testing. "The Department has never been interested in prosecuting good-faith computer security research as a crime, and today's announcement promotes cybersecurity by providing clarity for good-faith security researchers who root out vulnerabilities for the common good."

US recovers a record $15m from the 3ve ad-fraud crew
2022-05-19 20:30

The US government has recovered over $15 million in proceeds from the 3ve digital advertising fraud operation that cost businesses more than $29 million for ads that were never viewed. The action, Peace added, "Sends a powerful message to those involved in cyber fraud that there are no boundaries to prosecuting these bad actors and locating their ill-gotten assets wherever they are in the world."

Threat actors compromising US business online checkout pages to steal credit card information
2022-05-19 13:44

A new FLASH report from the FBI warns about cyber actors scraping credit card data from compromised online checkout pages from US businesses. According to the FBI, a US business was targeted in September 2020 by an unidentified threat actor, who inserted malicious PHP code into the checkout page of the targeted company website.

US recovers $15 million from global Kovter ad fraud operation
2022-05-18 18:37

The US government has recovered over $15 million from Swiss bank accounts belonging to operators behind the '3ve' online advertising fraud scheme. 84 to the US government as part of a Final Order of Forfeiture related to United States v. Sergey Ovsyannikov, one of the conspirators in the global ad fraud campaign.

North Korean devs pose as US freelancers to aid DRPK govt hackers
2022-05-17 22:16

Thousands of North Korean "Highly skilled IT workers," at the direction of or forced by their government are targeting freelance jobs at organizations in wealthier nations. In some cases, DPRK's dispatched wage earners - typically located in China, Russia, Africa, and Southeast Asia, have aided with selling data stolen in attacks from North Korean hackers.

North Korean devs pose as US freelancers and aid DRPK govt hackers
2022-05-17 22:16

Thousands of North Korean "Highly skilled IT workers," at the direction of or forced by their government are targeting freelance jobs at organizations in wealthier nations. In some cases, DPRK's dispatched wage earners - typically located in China, Russia, Africa, and Southeast Asia, have aided with selling data stolen in attacks from North Korean hackers.

US brings first-of-its-kind criminal charges of Bitcoin-based sanctions-busting
2022-05-16 22:45

US prosecutors have accused an American citizen of illegally funneling more than $10 million in Bitcoin into an economically sanctioned country. It's said the resulting criminal charges of sanctions busting through the use of cryptocurrency are the first of their kind to be brought in the US. Under the United States' International Emergency Economic Powers Act, it is illegal for a citizen or institution within the US to transfer funds, directly or indirectly, to a sanctioned country, such as Iran, Cuba, North Korea, or Russia.