Security News

Millions of Payment Cards and Social Security Numbers ExposedThe number of data breaches reported by U.S. organizations reached an all-time high last year. In 2017, organizations that described...

Brian Krebs is reporting sophisticated jackpotting attacks against US ATMs. The attacker gains physical access to the ATM, plants malware using specialized electronics, and then later returns and...

A new study by 250ok has revealed that 87.6 percent of the root domains operated by top e-retailers in the United States and European Union are putting their brands and consumers at risk for...

Cash-Out Malware Called 'Ploutus' Migrates North From MexicoU.S. Secret Service alert: For the first time, malware-using fraudsters have been draining U.S. ATMs of their cash via what's known as a...

Dutch intelligence services hacked Russian cyber attackers and alerted US counterparts after watching them transfer "thousands" of Democratic Party emails ahead of the 2016 US election, Dutch...

How did British teenager Kane Gamble, who at the time was only 15 years old, manage to break into email accounts of the CIA and DNI chiefs, as well as gain access to a number of sensitive...

'Caliconnect' Earned $1.4 Million on Silk Road Before Its DemiseTwo men have been sentenced to serve at least six years each in U.S. federal prison after selling drugs such as marijuana and...

A US hospital has decided to pay a ransom of 4 bitcoin to regain access to some 1,400 files locked by attackers. Hancock Health, a regional hospital based in Greenfield, Indiana, said they’d...

DNC Hackers Target Lawmakers With Decoy Sites; Some Senators Demand ActionThe cyber espionage group that executed a campaign against the Democratic Party has been gearing up to attack the U.S....

The US House of Representatives passed a crucial surveillance law Thursday that reinforced the ability of the country's spy agencies to intercept and make use of Americans' private communications....