Security News

The Maze ransomware gang has threatened to publish information stolen from an American firm that overhauls airliners and installs flight control software upgrades - because its victim refused to pay a demanded ransom. In a "Press release" published on its leaks website, Maze raged against victims who refused to play its game and cough up vast sums of money to decrypt their illicitly encrypted data.

During the pre-taped keynote at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the company promised to pump up data protection even more with gobs of new features in its upcoming iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, and Safari releases. The big ones include the option for users to decline apps' ad tracking.

Microsoft has announced improved identity and access management protections for AccountGuard users in the United States, ahead of the 2020 elections. Now, Microsoft is announcing enterprise-grade identity and access management protections for AccountGuard users in the U.S., at no cost.

The law will require the New York City plod to provide the city government with annual reports on its use of surveillance equipment such as face scanning, Stinger cellphone trackers, and eavesdropping gear. To be precise, the bill defines surveillance tech as "Equipment, software, or systems capable of, or used or designed for, collecting, retaining, processing, or sharing audio, video, location, thermal, biometric, or similar information, that is operated by or at the direction of the department," but not any internal communications gear nor cameras intended to keep city buildings from being vandalized.

TechRepublic spoke to executives and experts to see if the US could avoid such supply chain issues by ramping up manufacturing to return to "Made in America" glory. "The US has been the richest target of cyberattacks from abroad aimed at capturing that knowledge to accelerate development of goods-both tangible and intangible-without having to pay the rents that have funded the US economy for decades of dwindling manufacturing," Ray of SecureAge said.

The US is letting blacklisted Chinese technology giant Huawei back into the fold when it comes to companies working together to set standards for 5G telecom networks. US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross this week announced a new rule allowing companies to share technology with Huawei for the purpose of developing standards for the new generation of wireless services.

Finally, after years of states' use of this kind of powerful spyware against their rivals and political enemies, the US Congress is planning to order its Director of National Intelligence to keep track of the threat this malware poses to the nation, which foreign governments are using it, and for what. The Senate bill - which lays out funding for the government's intelligence operations for next year - would require the DNI to submit a report to Congress on the threat posed by commercial spyware.

Jason Healey takes a detailed look at the US federal cybersecurity budget and reaches an important conclusion: the US keeps saying that we need to prioritize defense, but in fact we prioritize attack. The Defense Department's cyber-related budget is nearly 25 percent higher than the total going to all civilian departments, including the departments of Homeland Security, Treasury and Energy, which not only have to defend their own critical systems but also partner with critical infrastructure to help secure the energy, finance, transportation and health sectors.

The new release of CloudBees CI is available immediately and enables DoD and civilian agencies of the U.S. federal government, as well as enterprises in private industry, to drive more value through their software delivery pipelines while lowering security risk. Platform One provides platforms that are already accredited and can only use containerized software with an approved CtF. "With the CtF, CloudBees CI can be readily used by DoD agencies, as well as civilian agencies and federal system integrators," said Michael Wright, director, federal sector, at CloudBees.

Or, as I said when I finished playing a new online Turing Test game called Bot or Not, NAILED IT!! Bot or Not is an online game that pits people against either bots or humans. The creators of Bot or Not - a Mozilla Creative Awards project that was conceived, designed, developed and written by the New York City-based design and research studio Foreign Objects - say that these days, bots are growing increasingly sophisticated and are proliferating both online and offline.