Security News

Banking Trojan Outwits Google Verify Apps Scanner (Threatpost)
2016-05-17 15:38

A banking Trojan hiding in a casino app was removed from Google Play. The malware slipped past Google Verify Apps malware scanner and get into the marketplace.

Android Trojan pesters victims, won’t take no for an answer (Help Net Security)
2016-05-06 19:38

If an app won’t stop badgering you to give it administrator rights to your Android device, chances are you have picked up malware somewhere. Malware peddlers are constantly trying out new tricks...

Attackers Behind GozNym Trojan Set Sights on Europe (Threatpost)
2016-04-25 18:35

The banking malware GozNym has spread into Europe and begun plaguing banking customers in Poland with redirection attacks, IBM said.