Security News

Latest Hacking Tools Leak Indicates NSA Was Targeting SWIFT Banking Network (The Hackers News)
2017-04-14 08:42

The Shadow Brokers – a hackers group that claimed to have stolen a bunch of hacking tools from the NSA – released today more alleged hacking tools and exploits that target earlier versions of...

Hacking tools in Vault 7 data dump linked to prolific cyber espionage group (Help Net Security)
2017-04-11 21:10

While security researchers and companies go through the collection of hacking tools contained in the data dump that the Shadow Brokers failed to sell, Symantec has tied hacking tools from...

Tools Used by Lamberts APT Found in Vault 7 Dumps (Threatpost)
2017-04-11 13:47

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab today disclosed the activities of the Lamberts APT, a group using many of the tools and tactics found in the Vault 7 dumps.

Symantec Connects 40 Cyber Attacks to CIA Hacking Tools Exposed by Wikileaks (The Hackers News)
2017-04-10 11:37

Security researchers have confirmed that the alleged CIA hacking tools recently exposed by WikiLeaks have been used against at least 40 governments and private organizations across 16 countries....

Shadow Brokers Releases the Rest of their NSA Hacking Tools (Schneier on Security)
2017-04-10 10:51

Last August, an unknown group called the Shadow Brokers released a bunch of NSA tools to the public. The common guesses were that the tools were discovered on an external staging server, and that...