Security News

Google enhanced the way it displays Safe Browsing Alerts for Network Administrators this week, adding information about sites circulating malware and carrying out social engineering attacks.

Exploits for an Adobe Flash Player zero day vulnerability have been folded into two exploit kits that are distributing ransomware to infected machines.

Researchers discovered a Mac OS X variant of the Windows-based Pirrit adware that creates a proxy server on infected Mac computers and injects ads into webpages.

At Infiltrate Conference, the DOD explained more about the Hack the Pentagon bug bounty program and how goverment attitudes about hackers are shifting.

FBI owns up to state-sponsored hackers, known as APT6, who have infiltrated government systems for years pilfering sensitive data.

FBI Director James Comey discussed the scope of the tool they used to break the iPhone 5C and challenged the concept of absolute privacy in a talk Wednesday.

Endgame Inc., CEO Nate Fick told the Infiltrate Conference on Thursday that bringing an offensive security approach to enterprise defense is the key to future success.

ExaGrid has removed public-private pairings and weak, hardcoded default credentials from its disk-backup appliances.

Security experts cheer WhatsApp for making end-to-end encryption available to one billion consumers, but say more work needs to be done to protect digital communications.

Several vulnerabilities in Ubuntu’s Linux kernel, including a use-after-free vulnerability and a timing side channel vulnerability, were patched today.