Security News

In two unrelated breaches, the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Las Vegas and Noodle and Company confirm hacks.

The transportation industry is increasingly targeted by cybercriminals looking to cause chaos, steal frequent flier miles and extort money with DDoS attacks.

A botnet comprised entirely of closed circuit TV devices used a barrage of HTTP requests to knock a small jewelry store offline for days.

Google takes down LevelDropper app that automatically jailbreaks Android devices giving attackers complete control over devices.

The hacker selling upwards to 655,000 healthcare records on the dark web obtained them after exploiting a vulnerability in how companies implement RDP.

When Apple decided to unencrypt its iOS 10 beta kernel it sparking a fierce debate over the merits of the move.

Latest CryptXXX ransomware variant masks itself as a DLL for video editing software and now can outsmart decryption tools.

An academic study sheds light on how medical professionals are often forced to find analog workarounds to combat unwieldy security solutions, putting patient care at risk.

A team of academics and researchers has developed a technique called selfrando that it says can defend against attacks that unmask users of the Tor Network.

A voter database found by a white hat hacker included gun ownership, preferences on gay marriage and linked to individual social media accounts.