Security News

Researchers demonstrated how they can capture both Track 2 data and bypass chip and pin protections with a Raspberry Pi and infected pin pads at Black Hat.

Oracle bug hunter David Litchfield scoured Oracle EBusiness Suite looking for vulnerabilities and shared what he found during a Black Hat talk.

Dan Kaminsky advocates fixing today’s internet before it breaks the same way it did in the 1990s.

A Black Hat talk this week is expected to take a deep dive into the ramifications of lingering support for export-grade cryptography and how patching levels are proceeding.

Black market machine trading has gone beyond the sale of servers and now includes PCs located on corporate networks or that contain sensitive data.

DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge is set to culminate Thursday with a competition at DEF CON it's calling the CGC Final Event.

Yahoo says that it is investigating an alleged massive breach of its users’ credential that are available for sale online.

Mike Mimoso, Tom Spring, and Chris Brook preview Black Hat 2016, including Ivan Krstic's talk on Apple/iOS security, Dan Kaminsky's keynote, IoT, PAC malware, and more.

Kaspersky Lab today at Black Hat USA 2016 announced the launch of a public bug bounty, one of the few offered by a software vendor in the computer security industry.

Google today in the monthly Android Security Bulletin patched more than three-dozen critical vulnerabilities in Qualcomm components.