Security News

Another Bloomberg Story about Supply-Chain Hardware Attacks from China
2018-10-11 11:29

Bloomberg has another story about hardware surveillance implants in equipment made in China. This implant is different from the one Bloomberg reported on last week. That story has been denied by...

5 tips to secure your supply chain from cyberattacks
2018-10-08 14:36

It's nearly impossible to secure supply chains from attacks like the alleged Chinese chip hack that was reported last week. But here are some tips to protect your company.

Supply Chain Security is the Whole Enchilada, But Who’s Willing to Pay for It?
2018-10-05 19:45

From time to time, there emerge cybersecurity stories of such potential impact that they have the effect of making all other security concerns seem minuscule and trifling by comparison. Yesterday...

Chinese Supply Chain Hardware Attack
2018-10-04 16:30

Bloomberg is reporting about a Chinese espionage operating involving inserting a tiny chip into computer products made in China. I wrote about (alternate link) this threat more generally in May....

2018 Has Been Open Season on Open Source Supply Chains
2018-09-26 20:48

Hackers see green field opportunities in vulnerable software supply chains.

Open-source software supply chain vulns have doubled in 12 months
2018-09-25 15:59

Hackers 'mainlining' vulns into projects – report Use of vulnerable open source components has doubled over the last year despite their role in the high profile Equifax mega-breach.…

Five Weakest Links in Cybersecurity That Target the Supply Chain
2018-09-14 16:09

Third-party breaches have become an epidemic as cybercriminals target the weakest link. Organizations such as BestBuy, Sears, Delta and even NYU Medical Center are just a few that have felt the...

Supply Chain Attack Hits South Korean Firms
2018-08-22 14:37

Security researchers have uncovered a supply chain attack aimed at infecting organizations in South Korea with a remote access Trojan (RAT) to steal valuable information. read more

Gaining Visibility Into Supply Chain Risk
2018-08-09 16:03

CrowdStrike's Mike Sentonas Shares Insights From Latest ResearchEven though many organizations believe that supply chain cyber risk is a serious problem, very few organizations are vetting their...

Advanced Malvertising Campaign Exploits Online Advertising Supply Chain
2018-07-30 16:37

Malvertising Campaign Steals Traffic From 10,000 Hacked WordPress Sites and Exploits the Online Advertising Supply Chain read more