Security News

Steam cleaned of zero-day security holes after Valve turned off by bug bounty snub outrage
2019-08-22 23:14

Security bod may be invited back into vuln reward program, Half-Life 3 still ain't happening Games giant Valve is attempting to make nice with the infosec bod who disclosed zero-day exploits for...

Steam cleaned of zero-day security holes after Valve turned off by bug bounty snub outage
2019-08-22 23:14

Security bod may be invited back into vuln reward program, Half-Life 3 still ain't happening Games giant Valve is attempting to make nice with the infosec bod who disclosed zero-day exploits for...

Disgruntled bug-hunter drops Steam zero-day to get back at Valve for refusing him a bounty
2019-08-22 05:16

EoP bug now free for the world to see after bounty was rejected A security bod angry at Valve's handling of bug reports has released a zero-day vulnerability affecting the games giant's flagship...

Researcher Discloses Second Steam Zero-Day After Valve Bug Bounty Ban
2019-08-21 20:40

After Valve banned him from its bug bounty program, a researcher has found a second zero-day vulnerability affecting the Steam gaming client.

Gamers Beware: Zero-Day in Steam Client Affects All Windows Users
2019-08-12 15:07

Valve said it wouldn't fix an elevation-of-privilege bug that allows attackers to run any program on a target machine with high privileges.

ThreatList: Ransomware Trojans Picking Up Steam in 2019
2019-06-14 18:52

Attackers continue to push the boundaries with modular trojans and ransomware attacks, a new report found.

Ransomware rebounding in popularity as cryptojacking loses steam
2019-06-13 14:07

Hackers are going back to the tried-and-true method of simply demanding ransoms be paid in cryptocurrencies, rather than trying to covertly mine them.

Epic in hot water over Steam-scraping code
2019-03-19 11:39

Players noticed that Epic Games was gathering and storing data from Steam accounts without their permission.

I found a security hole in Steam that gave me every game's license keys and all I got was this... oh nice: $20,000
2018-11-09 22:39

Sorry kids, it was patched weeks ago by Valve A bloke has told how he discovered a bug in Valve's Steam marketplace that could have been exploited by thieves to steal game license keys and play...

Hacker Who DDoSed Sony, EA and Steam Gaming Servers Pleads Guilty
2018-11-09 08:33

A 23-year-old hacker from Utah pleaded guilty this week to launching a series of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against multiple online services, websites, and online gaming companies between...