Security News

ISPs May Be Helping Hackers to Infect you with FinFisher Spyware
2017-09-21 08:43

Are you sure the version of WhatsApp, or Skype, or VLC Player installed on your system is legitimate? Security researchers have discovered that legitimate downloads of several popular applications...

Immediately Patch Windows 0-Day Flaw That's Being Used to Spread Spyware
2017-09-13 04:09

Get ready to install a fairly large batch of security patches onto your Windows computers. As part of its September Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has released a large batch of security updates to patch...

.NET Zero-Day Flaw Exploited to Deliver FinFisher Spyware
2017-09-12 18:34

One of the vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft with this month’s security updates is a zero-day flaw exploited by threat actors to deliver FinFisher malware to Russian-speaking individuals. read more

Android Spyware Linked to Chinese SDK Forces Google to Boot 500 Apps (Threatpost)
2017-08-22 17:28

More than 500 Android mobile apps have been removed from Google Play after it was discovered that an embedded advertising SDK called Igenix could be leveraged to quietly install spyware on devices.

Apps Infected With SonicSpy Spyware Removed From Google Play (Threatpost)
2017-08-11 17:47

A spyware family called SonicSpy was found on three apps available on the Google Play store as well as on more than 1,000 apps available on third-party app stores.

SonicSpy Spyware Found in Over One Thousand Android Apps (Security Week)
2017-08-11 12:32

Security researchers have found more than one thousand applications rigged with spyware over the past six months, including some distributed via Google Play. read more

More than 1,000 Spyware Apps Found On Android App Stores (The Hackers News)
2017-08-11 02:00

If you think you are downloading apps from Google Play Store and you are secure, then watch out! Someone has managed to flood third-party app stores and Google Play Store with more than a thousand...

Amazon Halts Sale of Android Blu Phone Amid Spyware Concerns (Threatpost)
2017-08-01 16:39

Amazon said it will halt sale of popular low-cost Android phones made by Blu Products because of reports software on the phone is collecting and sharing user data without owner consent.

Lippizan: Sophisticated, targeted spyware on Google Play (Help Net Security)
2017-07-27 18:05

Google has discovered targeted spyware on Google Play that is likely the work of Equus Technologies, an Israeli cyber surveillance technology dealer. The malware, dubbed Lipizzan, was also...

Google Detects Dangerous Spyware Apps On Android Play Store (The Hackers News)
2017-07-27 01:31

Security researchers at Google have discovered a new family of deceptive Android spyware that can steal a whole lot of information on users, including text messages, emails, voice calls, photos,...