Security News

House Votes to Reauthorize Controversial Spy Provision, Section 702
2018-01-11 19:19

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to renew U.S. spy provisions, extending the powers of the NSA to collect internet communications for another six years.

WhatsApp Flaw Could Allow 'Potential Attackers' to Spy On Encrypted Group Chats
2018-01-10 20:03

A more dramatic revelation of 2018—an outsider can secretly eavesdrop on your private end-to-end encrypted group chats on WhatsApp and Signal messaging apps. Considering protection against three...

UK Spy Chiefs Peel Back Secrecy -- to Fight Cybercrime
2017-12-14 19:10

Britain's cyber-spooks are reaching out from behind their veil of secrecy with the aim of cultivating the nation's next generation of high-tech sentries -- a move not without security risks. read more

HBO Hacker Linked to Iranian Spy Group
2017-12-06 13:49

A man accused by U.S. authorities of hacking into the systems of HBO and attempting to extort millions of dollars from the company has been linked by security researchers to an Iranian cyber...

Is Your DJI Drone a Chinese Spy? Leaked DHS Memo Suggests
2017-12-04 13:18

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently accused Da-Jiang Innovations (DJI), one of the largest drone manufacturers, of sending sensitive information about U.S....

DHS Says Drone Maker DJI Helping China Spy on U.S.
2017-12-04 09:09

A memo from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warns that China-based Da-Jiang Innovations (DJI), one of the world’s largest drone manufacturers, has been providing information on...

IoT Security Fail: Hacked Vacuum Cleaner Becomes Spy Cam
2017-10-30 11:18

Hom-Bot Vendor LG Patches Security Flaw Discovered by Check PointSecurity probes into IoT vulnerabilities too often swerve into creepy territory. Take security researchers at Check Point...

Hacker Turns LG's Smart Home Appliances Into Remote-Controlled Spy Robot
2017-10-27 01:26

If your smart devices are smart enough to make your life easier, then their smart behaviour could also be exploited by hackers to invade your privacy or spy on you, if not secured properly. Recent...

Canada's CSE Spy Agency Releases Malware Analysis Tool
2017-10-20 12:59

Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) agency announced this week that the source code for one of its malware detection and analysis tools has been made public. read more

Australia Spy Chief Warns of Growing Foreign Meddling
2017-10-19 02:51

Foreign powers are waging an "extensive, unrelenting" campaign of espionage and meddling in Australia, notably targeting ethnic and religious minorities, the country's spy chief warned Thursday....