Security News

Matter protocol: Secure, reliable interoperability for smart home devices
2022-08-16 03:30

The biggest names in smart home have come together to agree on a common set of standards that will allow for greater interoperability, security, and reliability in these devices. In this Help Net Security video, Mike Nelson, VP of IoT Security at DigiCert, talks about the Matter protocol.

Introducing the book: If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable
2022-08-09 03:30

All our devices and gadgets are going online, just like our computers did. Once we've successfully connected our devices to the internet, do we have any hope of keeping them, and ourselves, safe from the dangers that lurk beneath the digital waters?

Windows 11 Smart App Control blocks files used to push malware
2022-08-03 20:35

Smart App Control, a Windows 11 security feature that blocks threats at the process level, now comes with support for blocking several file types threat actors have recently adopted to infect targets with malware in phishing attacks. "Windows 11 with smart app control blocks iso and lnk files that have mark of the web just like Macros," David Weston, Microsoft's VP for Enterprise and OS Security, tweeted on Tuesday.

Smart factories need to prioritize their cybersecurity
2022-07-14 08:00

51% of industrial organizations believe that the number of cyber attacks on smart factories is likely to increase over the next 12 months, according to the Capgemini Research Institute. 47% of manufacturers say cybersecurity in their smart factories is not a C-level concern.

The connected nature of smart factories is exponentially increasing the risk of cyber attacks
2022-07-06 03:30

51% of industrial organizations believe that the number of cyber attacks on smart factories is likely to increase over the next 12 months, according to the Capgemini Research Institute. "The benefits of digital transformation make manufacturers want to invest heavily in smart factories, but efforts could be undone in the blink of an eye if cybersecurity is not baked-in from the offset. The increased attack surface area and number of operational technology and Industrial Internet of Things devices make smart factories a prominent target for cyber criminals. Unless this is made a board-level priority, it will be difficult for organizations to overcome these challenges, educate their employees and vendors, and streamline communication between cybersecurity teams and the C-suite," said Geert van der Linden, Cybersecurity Business Lead at Capgemini.

Anker Eufy smart home hubs exposed to RCE attacks by critical flaw
2022-06-16 17:38

Anker's central smart home device hub, Eufy Homebase 2, was vulnerable to three vulnerabilities, one of which is a critical remote code execution flaw. Homebase 2 is the video storage and networking gateway for all Anker's Eufy smart home devices, including video doorbells, indoor security cameras, smart locks, alarm systems, and more.

Malware-Infested Smart Card Reader
2022-05-26 11:55

Brian Krebs has an interesting story of a smart ID card reader with a malware-infested Windows driver, and US government employees who inadvertently buy and use them. By all accounts, the potential attack surface here is enormous, as many federal employees clearly will purchase these readers from a myriad of online vendors when the need arises.

How to ensure that the smart home doesn’t jeopardize data privacy?
2022-05-20 04:00

The smart home has been much hyped for what feels a very long-time, but I think it is fair to say that the smart home era is now truly upon us. This status has been almost entirely driven by the rise of the smart speaker - the first truly mass-market smart home device.

New Bluetooth Hack Could Let Attackers Remotely Unlock Smart Locks and Cars
2022-05-19 20:08

A novel Bluetooth relay attack can let cybercriminals more easily than ever remotely unlock and operate cars, break open residential smart locks, and breach secure areas. "An attacker can falsely indicate the proximity of Bluetooth LE devices to one another through the use of a relay attack," U.K.-based cybersecurity company NCC Group said.

BLE vulnerability may be exploited to unlock cars, smart locks, building doors, smartphones
2022-05-17 13:20

A Bluetooth Low Energy vulnerability discovered by NCC Group researchers may be used by attackers to unlock Teslas, residential smart locks, building access systems, mobile phones, laptops, and many other devices. "Many products implement Bluetooth Low Energy-based proximity authentication, where the product unlocks or remains unlocked when a trusted BLE device is determined to be nearby," they explained, and added that the possibility of relay attacks against BLE proximity authentication has been known for years, but existing tools came with detectable levels of latency and were not capable of relaying connections employing link layer encryption.