Security News

State-Actors Likely Behind Singapore Cyberattack: Experts
2018-07-23 04:00

State-actors were likely behind Singapore's biggest ever cyberattack to date, security experts say, citing the scale and sophistication of the hack which hit medical data of about a quarter of the...

Hackers Grab 1.5 Million Patients' Details in Singapore
2018-07-20 17:03

'Deliberate' Attack Targeted Prime Minister's Medical Details, Authorities SaySingapore's largest healthcare group has suffered a hack attack that exposed 1.5 million residents' personal details....

Prime Minister's data stolen in Singapore hack, showing risk of connect health systems
2018-07-20 14:03

A major cyberattack on Singapore's government health database compromised 1.5 million people's personal information, including the Prime Minister.

Singapore's Largest Healthcare Group Hacked, 1.5 Million Patient Records Stolen
2018-07-20 12:33

Singapore's largest healthcare group, SingHealth, has suffered a massive data breach that allowed hackers to snatch personal information on 1.5 million patients who visited SingHealth clinics...

Singapore Health Database Hit by 'Major' Cyberattack
2018-07-20 11:20

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Targeted as Part of SingHealth Cyberattack read more

Trump-Kim Summit Attracts Wave of Cyber-Attacks on Singapore
2018-06-15 18:30

The number of cyber-attacks targeting Singapore skyrocketed from June 11 to June 12, during the meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean President Kim Jong-un in a Singapore...

Singapore ISP Leaves 1,000 Routers Open to Attack
2018-05-28 15:02

Telcom firm leaves port open on customer routers after maintenance update exposing hundreds of customers to possible attack.

Facial recognition cameras on lamp posts to be tested in Singapore
2018-04-16 09:53

The Singapore government wants to put one on top of all 110,000 lamp posts throughout the country, to help identity all who pass by.

5 Fun Facts About the 2018 Singapore Cybersecurity Statute
2018-03-21 11:29

An orchard of cybersecurity law is growing in Asia. Now based in Singapore, your intrepid reporter is bumping into these cyber laws not as a participant (yet) but as an interested observer. Like...