Security News By D. IAN HOPPER, AP Technology Writer WASHINGTON (June 18, 2002 6:47 a.m. EDT) - A security bug was found in software used by... SEATTLE (January 15, 2002 2:38 p.m. EST) - A Microsoft server software glitch left some users unable to download crucial security... By MATTHEW FORDAHL, Associated Press SAN JOSE, Calif. (December 14, 2001 6:34 p.m. EST) - A recently uncovered security hole could...

**** This Security Alert is brought to you by the Windows IT Security channel on the Windows 2000 Magazine Network ****,4125,NAV47-68-84-88_STO61694,00.html By JENNIFER DISABATINO June 26, 2001 Two servers for the instant messaging service ICQ were cracked yesterday, defacing...,,10_723761,00.html By Brian McWilliams March 26, 2001 DoubleClick confirmed Monday that two of its web sites have been penetrated by attackers. The... James Middleton 08 Jan 2001 The year 2000 saw Windows NT steaming ahead yet again as the most hacked web server operating system, after a majority of... Dan Brumleve is at it again with Brown Orifice. In this episode, our fearless grey hat opens a security hole in the web's foundation that makes Napster look...