Security News

Coventry man says passport service 'breached security'
2010-07-20 05:25 BBC News 19 July 2010 Concerns have been raised about data confidentiality at the passport office after a Coventry man was sent...

UTSA names Frederick Chang AT&T Distinguished Chair in Infrastructure Assurance and Security
2010-07-06 05:36 June 29, 2010 (San Antonio) — The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) announced today the appointment of Frederick R. Chang, as the...

VeriSign refutes security vulnerability claim
2010-06-24 05:30 By Aharon Etengoff TG Daily 22nd Jun 2010 VeriSign has denied claims of an alleged security...

Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed
2010-06-10 06:27 By Ryan Tate June 9, 2010 Apple has suffered another embarrassment. A security breach has exposed iPad...

UB and Absolute Poker on the Cereus Network Work to Fix Security Flaws
2010-05-11 05:31 By Stephen A. Murphy Card Player May 10, 2010 Cereus Network, which is the home of...

Government backs competition to recruit security experts
2010-04-29 05:06 By Claudine Beaumont Technology Editor 27 April 2010 The competition,...

UW-Platteville investigating potential security breach
2010-04-23 05:44 By Andrew Brunner Exponent Online April 22, 2010 An investigation is underway about a potential breach...

UTSA infrastructure security center hosts collegiate cyber security competition
2010-04-16 05:22 By Christi Fish Public Affairs Specialist UTSA Today April 15, 2010 Eight teams of college students from across the country will compete this...

Pennsylvania's Web security officer leaves post a week after talking about PennDOT hacking incident
2010-03-11 06:21 By JAN MURPHY The Patriot-News March 10, 2010 Last week, Pennsylvania's chief information security officer...

More information security experts needed,	says CyberSecurity Malaysia
2010-02-10 13:06 MySinchew 2010-02-09 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 9 (Bernama) -- Although Internet banking cybercrimes are still at a manageable level, the country still needs to produce...