Security News
The popular anti-theft software, which is built into many popular computers at the BIOS level, is being impersonated by Fancy Bear.
Sofacy’s First-Stage Malware Zebrocy Analyzed ESET security researchers have taken a deep dive into one of the tools heavily used by the Russian threat actor Sofacy over the past couple of years. read more
Attorney Jack Rice spoke with TechRepublic about why Russian state-sponsored cyberattacks are a real threat, and why no organization is too small to be a target.
The two-hour event is the third recorded BGP hijack of Russian origin in the last 12 months. Maybe it's time to consider alternatives to BGP.
Researchers from Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT have analyzed servers compromised by the infamous threat actor known as Energetic Bear in recent years. read more
Attorney and former CIA case officer Jack Rice explains how foreign actors could attack critical infrastructure, and how US intelligence agencies deploy a proportional response to cyber attacks.
Russian state-sponsored hackers are targeting network infrastructure devices worldwide, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the United...
Advice: Update Outdated Protocols, EquipmentThe U.S. and U.K. warned Monday that Russian hackers have compromised critical internet infrastructure with the aim of spying, extracting intellectual...
A joint technical alert issued on Monday by the United States and the United Kingdom details how cyberspies believed to be working for the Russian government have abused various networking...
Russian government-sponsored hackers are compromising the key hardware of government and business computer networks like routers and firewalls, giving them virtual control of data flows, Britain...