Security News

New 'Looney Tunables' Linux bug gives root on major distros
2023-10-03 20:36

A new Linux vulnerability known as 'Looney Tunables' enables local attackers to gain root privileges by exploiting a buffer overflow weakness in the GNU C Library's ld. The GNU C Library is the GNU system's C library and is in most Linux kernel-based systems.

New Zero-Click Hack Targets iOS Users with Stealthy Root-Privilege Malware
2023-06-01 15:14

A previously unknown advanced persistent threat is targeting iOS devices as part of a sophisticated and long-running mobile campaign dubbed Operation Triangulation that began in 2019. "The targets are infected using zero-click exploits via the iMessage platform, and the malware runs with root privileges, gaining complete control over the device and user data," Kaspersky said.

Microsoft finds macOS bug that lets hackers bypass SIP root restrictions
2023-05-30 19:20

Apple has recently addressed a vulnerability that lets attackers with root privileges bypass System Integrity Protection to install "Undeletable" malware and access the victim's private data by circumventing Transparency, Consent, and Control security checks. Apple has patched the vulnerability in security updates for macOS Ventura 13.4, macOS Monterey 12.6.6, and macOS Big Sur 11.7.7, released two weeks ago, on May 18.

The root causes of API incidents and data breaches
2023-05-30 04:30

API calls make up the majority of our digital lives. Take, for example, the everyday use of a cloud-based food delivery app, which could involve up to 25 API calls.

New Linux kernel NetFilter flaw gives attackers root privileges
2023-05-09 16:49

A new Linux NetFilter kernel flaw has been discovered, allowing unprivileged local users to escalate their privileges to root level, allowing complete control over a system. Netfilter is a packet filtering and network address translation framework built into the Linux kernel that is managed through front-end utilities, such as IPtables and UFW. According to a new advisory published yesterday, corrupting the system's internal state leads to a use-after-free vulnerability that can be exploited to perform arbitrary reads and writes in the kernel memory.

VMware fixes vRealize bug that let attackers run code as root
2023-04-20 17:22

VMware addressed a critical vRealize Log Insight security vulnerability that allows remote attackers to gain remote execution on vulnerable appliances. The bug is described as a deserialization vulnerability that can be abused to run arbitrary code as root on compromised systems.

Student requested access to research data. And waited. And waited. And then hacked to get root
2023-04-17 07:29

This week meet a reader we'll Regomize as "Wesley", who 25 years ago was about to embark on a thesis in mechanical engineering, continuing the work done by a more senior student who was working towards his doctorate. The senior student readily agreed, but the days passed, and Wesley still didn't have the data he needed.

Mozilla, Microsoft drop TrustCor as root certificate authority
2022-12-02 09:30

After a lengthy discussion between staff at Mozilla and Apple, security researchers and the CA itself, Mozilla program manager Kathleen Wilson said the org's concerns were "Substantiated" enough to set a distrust date of November 30 for TrustCor's root certificates. Microsoft didn't participate in the conversation; instead, TrustCor executive Rachel McPherson claimed that Microsoft had set a distrust date of November 1 for her company's certs.

Consumer behaviors are the root of open source risk
2022-10-24 03:00

Sonatype unveiled its eighth annual State of the Software Supply Chain Report which, in addition to a massive surge in open source supply, demand, and malicious attacks, found that 96% of open source Java downloads with known-vulnerabilities could have been avoided because a better version was available, but was ignored. According to the report, this means 1.2 billion known-vulnerable dependencies that could be avoided are being downloaded every month, pointing to non-optimal consumption behaviors as the root of open source risk.

Zoom patches make-me-root security flaw, patches patch
2022-08-22 06:20

"In most cases, the vulnerabilities exist because the software fully trusted data coming from the PLC without performing extensive security checks," Team82 said. Security researchers at Accenture have highlighted the following point: the type of data being sold online after ransomware attacks is exactly the sort of stuff that's ideal for launching business email compromise attacks.