Security News

Researchers hack BMW cars, discover 14 vulnerabilities
2018-05-23 15:20

Keen Security Lab researchers have discovered fourteen vulnerabilities affecting a variety of BMW car models. The flaws could be exploited to gain local and remote access to infotainment (a.k.a...

Researchers Say More Spectre-Related CPU Flaws On Horizon
2018-05-22 21:20

Yet another speculative execution side channel flaw has been disclosed in processors - and security experts warn that more may be out there.

Researcher Earns $36,000 for Google App Engine Flaws
2018-05-21 12:55

An 18-year-old researcher has earned more than $36,000 from Google after finding a critical remote code execution vulnerability related to the Google App Engine. Part of the Google Cloud offering,...

The ethical and legal dilemmas of threat researchers
2018-05-21 11:40

Threat intelligence is mainstreaming into a de-facto everyday tool of cyber-defense. But all that intelligence must be collected, analyzed, and prepared by someone. Enter threat researchers, the...

Careless researchers expose millions of Facebook users’ sensitive data
2018-05-14 21:29

If you needed another reason to stop sharing intimate information with apps on Facebook or Facebook itself, consider this newest revelation: academics at the University of Cambridge have been...

Uninstall or Disable PGP Tools, Security Researchers Warn
2018-05-14 10:48

Exploitable Vulnerabilities Could Reveal Plaintext of Encrypted EmailsEuropean computer security researchers say they have discovered vulnerabilities that relate to two techniques used to encrypt...

Hacking for fun and profit: How one researcher is making IoT device makers take security seriously
2018-05-10 13:30

We should all be so lucky to enjoy our work as much as Ken Munro does. Generally attracted by research that “looks fun” and particularly interested in probing the security of technologies that...

Security researchers want to force people to use different passwords for every website
2018-05-07 19:25

Two University of North Carolina professors say popular websites like Google and Facebook must share password data from their users to eliminate password reuse.

Researchers Link Several State-Sponsored Chinese Spy Groups
2018-05-07 05:21

Researchers have discovered links between several cyber espionage groups believed to be sponsored by the Chinese government and found that at least some of them may be working from the Xicheng...