Security News

Companies are realizing that security and privacy go hand in hand (Help Net Security)
2016-03-02 03:16

50 percent of companies over the past two years have increased the involvement of privacy professionals on their information security teams to enhance the prevention of data breaches, a joint...

European Commission presents EU-US Privacy Shield (Help Net Security)
2016-02-29 20:17

The European Commission – the executive body of the European Union – issued the legal texts that will put in place the EU-US Privacy Shield, a new framework for protecting the fundamental rights...

Discussions Over Drone Applications Must Include Security, Privacy (Threatpost)
2016-02-26 14:30

Boulder, Colorado is among the first cities in the U.S. advocating drone usage in semi-public spaces, but policy discussions are happening with little regard for security and privacy.

Research on Balancing Privacy with Surveillance (Schneier on Security)
2016-02-24 12:05

Interesting research: Michael Kearns, Aaron Roth, Zhiewi Steven Wu, and Grigory Yaroslavtsev, "Private algorithms for the protected in social network search," PNAS, Jan 2016: Abstract: Motivated...