Security News

Fake "Urgent billing update" email leads to Virgin Media, Paypal phishing page (Help Net Security)
2015-03-31 09:59

Customers of UK-based telecom and ISP Virgin Media are being targeted with a clever spam campaign that is after their account information, but also PayPal account login details and payment card inform...

Apple-themed "Your account has been limited" phishing emails doing rounds (Help Net Security)
2015-03-26 15:07

Apple users are once again targeted with phishing emails, warns Bitdefender, and the latest variant of the scheme is impersonating Apple Support claiming that their account has been "limited." The ...

Bank of America phishing attack hits customers (Help Net Security)
2015-03-20 11:08

Phishers are once again targeting Bank of America customers, warns Malwarebytes' Chris Boyd. He doesn't say it, but it's likely that the potential victims are directed to the phishing site via spam...