Security News

Wanted : top hackers as trackers
2003-05-14 05:17 Les Kennedy 09 May, 2003 Police are offering 20 computer nerds the opportunity to become highly paid spies working for the...

Security research exemption to DMCA considered
2003-05-14 05:17 By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus May 13 2003 Computer security researchers would be allowed to hack through copy protection schemes in order to look for...

Businesses 'unaware of basic on-line security'
2003-05-12 08:31 Brisbane May 12 2003 Businesses and other organisations were paying dearly because they did not bother with basic security to protect...

Multiple Vulnerabilities found in Microsoft .Net Passport Services
2003-05-08 11:01

Forwarded from: Qazi Ahmed Cc: pakcert () pakcert org PakCERT Security Advisory PC-080503 Multiple Vulnerabilities found in Microsoft .Net Passport...

Companies still fighting rogue WLANs
2003-05-08 11:01,10801,81026,00.html By BOB BREWIN MAY 07, 2003 Computerworld PALM DESERT, Calif. -- Enterprises continue to battle the installation of...

Safeguarding the company
2003-05-07 09:16,10801,81002,00.html By Susan Maclean MAY 06, 2003 TORONTO - "If there's no business, there's no need for...

Offshore Coding Work Raises Security Concerns
2003-05-06 05:23,10801,80935,00.html By DAN VERTON MAY 05, 2003 Computerworld MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. -- IT professionals are raising serious questions about...

[defaced-commentary] ISS Defaced
2003-05-06 05:22

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 18:26:49 -0400 (EDT) From: security curmudgeon To: defaced-commentary () attrition org Subject: [defaced-commentary] ISS Defaced...

How to ensure security compliance with HIPAA
2003-05-02 05:18

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,80812,00.html By Marcia J. Wilson MAY 01, 2003 Computerworld The Health Insurance Portability and...

IDC: Bright future for IT security services
2003-05-01 07:59,10801,80790,00.html By Paul Roberts IDG News Service APRIL 29, 2003 The results of a new study from research firm IDC offer a strong...