Security News

MindSpring site exposes password files
2000-10-24 02:59,1199,NAV47_STO52714,00.html By ANN HARRISON October 23, 2000 An unpatched, buggy version of open-source e-commerce software, combined with a misconfigured...

Uncovering the Dark Side of the world wide web
2000-10-23 03:34 Financial Times, October 20, 2000 By Marcus Gibson In an achievement that is almost the equivalent of the Human Genome project for the internet, a new Scottish...

Security experts: Denial-of-service attacks still a big              threat
2000-10-20 23:21,1199,NAV47_STO52633,00.html By PATRICK THIBODEAU October 20, 2000 BALTIMORE -- The types of massive distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks that...

FC: Civil lib groups oppose CoE treaty,              OECD "cybercrime" forum
2000-10-19 09:09

Forwarded By: Anonymous ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Declan McCullagh X-Sender: declan () mail well com To: politech () politechbot com Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 12:00:21 -0400...

Meet the 'Hactivist'
2000-10-18 19:09,1199,NAV47_STO52405,00.html By: Deborah Radcliff October 16, 2000 Yetzer-Ra, a 6-foot-3-inch, 300-pound giant of a man, paces between his "subjects" in the...

FIPR slams UK web banks over security
2000-10-12 13:45 James Middleton Oct. 11th 2000 The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) today launched a bitter attack on the UK's internet banks. The think...

Pentagon Can't Find Deutch Disks
2000-10-10 23:34 By John Solomon Associated Press Writer Monday, Oct. 9, 2000; 4:45 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON Pentagon investigators have...

Re: Rijndael among the weakest of the AES candidates
2000-10-05 03:28

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 16:06:50 -0400 To: Steve Reid , cryptography () c2 net From: John Kelsey Subject: Re: Rijndael among the weakest of the AES...

Hacker warns of security holes
2000-10-05 01:41 October 3, 2000 Web posted at: 10:09 a.m. EDT (1409 GMT) by Joris Evers (IDG) -- Web sites with financial news have become vital...

CFP: Black Hat Windows Security, February 14-15, 2001
2000-09-21 15:46

Forwarded By: Jeff Moss Call For Papers Announcement! Black Hat Windows 2000 Security. Papers and presentations are now being accepted for The Black Hat Windows 2000 Security conference. Papers...