Security News

Hackers no hassle: Hoff
2005-10-18 06:34 By Jane Holroyd October 18, 2005 Baywatch star David Hasselhoff, who arrived in Australia this morning,...

Addressing the Human Security Vulnerability
2005-10-18 06:33,10801,105395,00.html Opinion by Douglas Schweitzer OCTOBER 17, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD So, you have the best firewall, intrusion-detection...

Linux Security Week - October 17th 2005
2005-10-18 06:33

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Weekly Newsletter | | October 17th, 2005 Volume 6, Number 43n | | | | Editorial Team: Dave Wreski dave...

GAO: Defense agency not fully protecting information systems
2005-10-13 04:03,10801,105358,00.html By Linda Rosencrance OCTOBER 12, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The U.S. Defense Logistics Agency isn't fully protecting its...

Nessus scanner code forked
2005-10-13 04:01 By Sam Varghese October 11, 2005 A group of British security researchers has decided to start a fork of...

3rd Annual High Technology Crime Investigation Association Seminar Presented by the Atlantic Canada Chapter HTCIA
2005-10-12 04:06

Forwarded from: Mark Bernard 3rd Annual High Technology Crime Investigation Association Seminar Presented by the Atlantic Canada Chapter HTCIA When: November 25th, 2005 Where: Howard Johnson...

Sourcefire Sold to Israeli Company
2005-10-10 04:09 By Ellen McCarthy Washington Post Staff Writer October 7, 2005 Sourcefire Inc., a Columbia software firm that...

Espionage Case Breaches the White House
2005-10-06 04:07

Forwarded from: William Knowles By BRIAN ROSS and RICHARD ESPOSITO ABCNews Oct. 5, 2005 Both the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of...

Data Scandal
2005-10-04 05:49,10801,105065,00.html By Mary Brandel OCTOBER 03, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD A data scandal roll call would include big names in nearly every...

Survey: Security breaches could prove costly to data companies
2005-09-29 04:28,10801,105015,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan SEPTEMBER 28, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Security breaches that compromise confidential customer data...