Security News

Hackers reopen stolen code store with Cisco wares
2004-11-04 08:12,10801,97194,00.html By Paul Roberts NOVEMBER 03, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE An anonymous group of malicious hackers reopened an online store...

Study: Lax laptop policies create security concerns
2004-11-02 08:52,10801,97094,00.html By John E. Dunn NOVEMBER 01, 2004 TECHWORLD.COM Company laptops are routinely used to download music and video,...

Secret Service busts online organized crime ring
2004-10-29 08:31,10801,97017,00.html By Dan Verton OCTOBER 28, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD In what it called an "Information Age undercover investigation," the...

Professor 'horrified' by poor security
2004-10-28 08:31

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Edmund Tadros October 26, 2004 Next Western computer systems are becoming more vulnerable to...

IBM offers companies monthly security report
2004-10-26 06:42,10801,96925,00.html By Scarlet Pruitt OCTOBER 25, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE IBM today introduced a security service that offers a concise,...

Hackers post achievements online
2004-10-26 06:41 BY M. MADHAVAN October 26, 2004 Malaysia was the centre of 'hacker activities' on Oct 6 and 7 when...

Report: Corporate security undermined by lack of cooperation
2004-10-25 09:59,10801,96876,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan OCTOBER 22, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD A lack of information sharing and cooperation between IT...

Five mistakes of log analysis
2004-10-22 06:07,10801,96587,00.html Opinion by Anton Chuvakin netForensics Inc. OCTOBER 21, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD As the IT market grows, organizations...

What your CEO thinks about security (and how to change it)
2004-10-21 08:11,10801,96803,00.html Advice by Larry Ponemon OCTOBER 20, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Up to now, enterprises' security budgets have been so lean...

2-Fingerprint Border ID System Called Inadequate
2004-10-20 02:40 By Robert O'Harrow and Jr. Scott Higham Washington Post Staff Writers October 19, 2004 Terrorists who alter their fingerprints...