Security News

Social engineering: My career as a professional bank robber
2011-10-27 05:49 By Joan Goodchild Senior Editor CSO October 26, 2011

Duqu, Stuxnet link unclear
2011-10-27 05:48 By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld October 26, 2011

New DoS tool from THC: Another overhyped threat
2011-10-27 05:48 By Woody Leonhard InfoWorld October 26, 2011

Join me at the IANS Midwest Forum in Chicago
2011-10-26 08:04

Krebs nabs 'RSA attack' list
2011-10-26 08:04 By Richard Chirgwin The Register 25th October 2011

Re: FBI official calls for alternate Internet to secure critical systems
2011-10-26 08:03

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon *SNORE* U.S. government officials calling for a second Internet is getting really old, and likely goes back 10 years or more. Such a call is a non-starter...

Trojan hack lands cycle star Floyd Landis with suspended	sentence
2011-10-26 08:02 By John E Dunn Techworld 25 October 2011

'Contract worker stole all Israelis' personal information'
2011-10-25 06:10 By JPOST.COM STAFF 10/24/2011 13:16

FCC unveils tool to help small businesses plan for cyberattack
2011-10-25 06:09 By Nancy Gohring IDG News Service October 24, 2011

Futures regulators want smartphone hacking device
2011-10-25 06:09 By Aliya Sternstein Nextgov 10/24/2011